It is an interesting mixture of frustrating and funny when you discover something new about a game you’ve been playing for hours. Every Palworld player knows what it is like having to stand at your Repair Bench and spend precious minutes fixing each damaged item. But what if we told you there is a better way?
Palworld Time-Saving Shortcut Discovered
Palworld is still in its early days so we may be forgiven for not being experts and still unearthing quirks and time-saving features. One Reddit user has unearthed a shortcut that has many others amazed and slightly annoyed they hadn’t discovered it earlier. U/Weebsaika posted a screenshot of their discovery on Reddit recently saying, “Yeah so after more than 100 hours… I realize I can repair all by pressing R while using the Repair Bench…”

Other Palworld players were quick to react with a lot of “Wait WHAT?” moments. I must admit I also had no idea and checked on Xbox and sure enough there it is (press Y at the Repair Bench!). The shortcut will maybe only save you a few minutes but we all know those minutes are better spent hatching eggs or capturing Pals. The conversation also prompted players to reveal other features they learned about recently, like using R to Fast Stack items from your inventory to storage. It’s these little things that make your job in Palworld just a bit easier.
The only issue players have found with this shortcut is that, as it is a Repair All function, you will have to watch out for the materials it is using. Shields use Ancient Civilisation parts for repairs and these are not easy to come by, so you may want to avoid spending them in that way.
If you have also just found out about this Palworld shortcut, you might want to visit the r/Palworld to see if anyone has any more helpful tidbits to share! For more Palworld news and tips from us, check out our guides in the list below.