In Dragon’s Dogma 2, Pawn Specialization Tomes may seem hard to come by. Thanks to the hands-off nature of the game, not many are to know that so many NPCs will gift you these Tomes as long as you’re nice to them.
As long as you raise an NPC’s affinity enough, they’ll give you a gift. Many NPCs will gift you a Pawn Specialization Tome for you to use. Below is every NPC that will gift you a Tome, which Tome they’ll gift, and where you can find them.
This information was originally extrapolated by Reddit user ividyon and shared in a Reddit post. Although the data sheet they made is incredibly detailed, it isn’t the easiest to extrapolate information from, so I’ve simplified the important information here. It also doesn’t list where you can actually find each NPC.
Note that not all information of NPC locations are public knowledge. In the case of location, I will suggest a possible location based on their portrait.
Every NPC that gifts the Woodland Wordsmith’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The Woodland Wordsmith Pawn Specialization allows your Pawn to understand the Elvish language.
Here are all the NPCs who will gift The Woodland Wordsmith Tome to you.
NPC Name | NPC location |
Agrael | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Amras | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Caladomia | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Cecilia | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Eldart | Sacred Arbor |
Exelion | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Fearoth | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Fiorina | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Grisha | Sacred Arbor |
Idorial | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Kough | Sacred Arbor, Kough’s Inn |
Lenbren | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Leonel | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Lindoll | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Linneisl | Sacred Arbor |
Luomir | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Lutia | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Magrol | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Myglin | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Nellas | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Odhran | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Seachlann | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Sivven | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Throndir | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Tylion | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Zekloa | Likely in Sacred Arbor |
Every NPC that gifts the Forager’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The Forager Pawn Specialization will highlight materials on your map that is used to enhance your equipment.
Here are all the NPCs who will gift the Forager’s Tome to you.
NPC Name | NPC location |
Aimee | Vernworth |
Albert | Vernworth |
Alessa | Always on the move |
Alois | Vernworth |
Alphonse | Likely in Bakbattalh |
Arno | Likely in Vernworth |
Aurgie | Vernworth |
Benton | Vernworth |
Blythe | Always on the move |
Bridget | Likely always on the move |
Burnns | Vernworth |
Catherine | Likely in Vernworth |
Dante | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Daphne | Vernworth |
Daury | Likely in Vernworth |
Dinniel | Likely in Vernworth |
Dommel | Vernworth |
Dorica | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Edda | Vernworth |
Erik | Likely in Vernworth |
Eternna | Likely in Venworth |
Eva | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Evelyn | Likely in Vernworth |
Felicia | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Felix | Likely in Vernworth |
Fiachra | Vernworth |
Flaude | Nameless Town |
Francisca | Likely in Vernworth |
Galmul | Likely in Vernworth |
Garrack | Likely in Vernworth |
Gilmir | Likely always on the move |
Harvey | Vernworth |
Hoffman | Likely in Vernworth |
Ilona | Likely always on the move |
Irena | Likely in Checkpoint Rest Town or Nameless Village |
Jeremy | Likely in Vernworth |
Jill | Likely always on the move |
Jinn | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Johannes | Vernworth |
Johnson | Likely in Vernworth |
Juliana | Vernworth |
Kiera | Likely always on the move |
Lawrence | Vernworth |
Lepak | Likely in Vernworth |
Lillian | Bakbattahl |
Litra | Nameless Village |
Madeline | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Magorr | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Malcolm | Vernworth |
Margaret | Vernworth |
Matilda | Likely in Vernworth |
Meredia | Likely in Vernworth |
Monika | Vernworth |
Niles | Bakbattahl |
Raelia | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Rakim | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Ramon | Likely in Vernworth |
Reijo | Likely in Vernworth |
Richare | Likely in Nameless Village or Harve Village |
Rick | Vernworth |
Rivage Elder | Harve Village |
Rodge | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Roy | Vernworth |
Sanchen | Likely in Vernworth |
Sandra | Vernworth |
Sebastian | Vernworth |
Senna | Likely in Vernworth |
Serra | Likely in Vernworth |
Suzan | Likely always on the move |
Thed | Vernworth |
Thor | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Toumi | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Trekk | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Trysha | Eini’s Home |
Vlasiy | Vernworth |
Zyanya | Likely in Vernworth |
Every NPC that gifts the Logistician’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The Logistician Pawn Specialization will allow that Pawn to combine materials and shift items between allies’ packs.
Here are all the NPCs who will gift the Logistician’s Tome to you.
NPC Name | NPC location |
Alezio | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Amanda | Likely in Vernworth |
Amir | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Auriol | Vernworth |
Austin | Likely in Vernworth |
Bertran | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Bruno | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Clarith | Likely in Vernworth |
Clyde | Likely in Vernworth |
Deo | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Elcela | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Ezekiel | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Fabia | Likely in Vernworth |
Fern | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Folkes | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Garrett | Vernworth |
Glenna | Vernworth |
Hayne | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Henricks | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Howard | Likely in Vernworth |
Hughie | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Ivanna | Likely in Vernworth |
Johanna | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Karlheinz | Bakbattahl |
Katrina | Likely in Vernworth |
Keane | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Keaton | Bakbattahl |
Kendrick | Vernworth |
Kevine | Likely in Vernworth |
Landar | Vernworth |
Lazare | Flamebearer Palace |
Logge | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Marett | Likely in Melve |
Martha | Likely in Harve Village or Nameless Village |
Marthe | Likely always on the move |
Millei | Likely in Bakbattahl |
Offulve | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Olivia | Likely in Vernworth |
Severino | Likely in Vernworth |
Sheona | Likely in Harve Village or Nameless Village |
Tania | Likely in Vernworth |
Torrence | Likely always on the move |
Tyrell | Volcanic Island Camp |
Wade | Likely in Vernworth |
Walter | Vernworth |
Wanda | Likely in Vernworth |
Every NPC that gifts the Aphonite’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The Aphonite Pawn Specialization will limit what a Pawn says to only certain crucial phrases.
Here are all the NPCs who will gift the Aphonite’s Tome to you.
NPC Name | NPC location |
Amie | Vernworth |
Botanika | Likely in Vernworth |
Eino | Likely in Nameless Village |
Ingrid | Likely in Vernworth |
Joachim | Likely in Vernworth |
Judas | Vernworth |
Kittey | Likely in Vernworth |
Leo | Likely in Vernworth |
Marielle | Likely in Vernworth |
Nannsi | Likely in Vernworth |
Norah | Vernworth |
Norbert | Melve |
Peyton | Likely in Vernworth |
Pietro | Likely in Vernworth |
Ranvelt | Likely in Vernworth |
Sella | Vernworth |
Thom | Likely in Vernworth |
Timothy | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Veronika | Likely in Vernworth |
Waz | Vernworth |
Zaft | Likely at the Excavation Site |
Every NPC that gifts the Hawker’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The Hawker Pawn Specialization will allow you to sell items to that Pawn.
Here are all the NPCs who will gift the Hawker’s Tome to you.
NPC Name | NPC location |
Amritta | Likely always on the move |
Angus | Always on the move |
Arletta | Likely always on the move |
Bastian | Likely in Vernworth |
Celica | Always on the move |
Domingo | Always on the move |
Dudley | Vernworth |
Evo | Always on the move |
Ganora | Likely always on the move |
Georg | Bakbattahl |
Ines | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Marcello | Likely in Vernworth |
Mia | Melve |
Montgomery | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Svereth | Likely always on the move |
Zachary | Excavation site |
Zonna | Bakbattahl |
Every NPC that gifts the Chirurgeon’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The Chirurgeon Pawn Specialization will allow that Pawn to use curatives to heal you and your Pawns when needed.
Here are all the NPCs who will gift the Chirurgeon’s Tome to you.
NPC Name | NPC location |
Ariadne | Vernworth |
Braun | Likely in Vernworth |
Cecili | Likely in Vernworth |
Celina | Vernworth |
Corette | Bakbattahl |
Dean | Vernworth |
Elena | Vernworth |
Flora | Vernworth |
Frosst | Likely in Vernworth |
Gwen | Vernworth |
Jenniferr | Vernworth |
Jessika | Vernworth |
Josephine | Vernworth |
Kellen | Vernworth |
Linda | Likely in Vernworth |
Lottie | Vernworth |
Lysetta | Likely in Nameless Village or Harve Village |
Marissa | Vernworth |
Marjory | Vernworth |
Marlene | Likely in Vernworth |
Maurits | Bakbattahl |
Mirthe | Likely in Vernworth |
Nirvane | Vernworth |
Pate | Vernworth |
Rachel | Vernworth |
Rionne | Vernworth |
Thiemothee | Vernworth |
Vergil | Checkpoint Rest Town |
Viola | Vernworth |
Wendy | Nameless Village |
Zennan | Vernworth |
Now that you know where to get every Pawn Specialization Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2, your Pawn will become even more useful. And I’m sure they’ll hired much more often.