Astarion is one of the best companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 and you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t want to romance the sassy vampire spawn. This cunning rogue has a tragic backstory and luscious locks of hair, making him the complete package for Dungeons & Dragons fans playing Baldur’s Gate 3.
Astarion can be a tough nut to crack early in the game – his main focus is self preservation, and he’s willing to do anything to stay safe, even if it means manipulating and using the people around him. While he eventually lets his walls down and begins to soften up, it can be a task to get hi to trust you – especially if you’re a classic hero type.
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How To Increase Astarion’s Approval in Baldur’s Gate 3
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While Astarion is a tragic character with remarkable depth, he’s a simple man who knows what he likes. Astarion is incredibly easy to read no matter how mysterious he thinks he’s being. To get Astarion to like you, you’re going to have to be tricky, deceitful, and clever.
Astarion’s Likes
Astarion likes any dialogue options that are rude and uncaring toward other people. If you can crack a joke at another’s expense or brush off their problems entirely then you’ll get along with Astarion just fine. He’s not turly evil, like Minthara, but he’ll do whatever it takes to come out on top, no matter who gets hurt in the process. Be cutthroat, and he’ll like you.
Astarion likes the pursuit of power. He sees the Illithid tadpole in your heads as a chance to rise above those who have wronged him. He wants to put people in their place. Talk down to people and give in to your Illithid powers to get the upper hand whenever you can.
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Astarion is also a Rogue, so he likes cunning, crafty, and deceptive strategies. Talking your way out of a situation with a Charisma check will usually net you some approval points with Astarion, as will picking locks and sneaking into places where you’re not supposed to be. Think like the stereotypical D&D rogue and roleplay that.
Astarion is also a vampire. If you let him suck your blood regularly, he’ll be a happy man, and if you show a genuine interest in his past and show him compassion, even if he’s reluctant, he’ll grow to trust you.
To recap, here’s what you should prioritize to make Astarion like you:
- Be rude and mean.
- Enjoy your Illithid powers.
- Be sneaky, crafty, and cunning.
- Let him suck your blood.
- Flatter him.
Astarion’s Dislikes
Anything that a stereotypical good adventurer would do, Astarion isn’t fond of. He won’t hate you if you’re playing a lawful good character, but he won’t love you for it, either. Going out of your way to help those in need or being sympathetic at all is a surefire way to lose approval points.
As for the tadpole, rejecting it in any form will lose approval points with Astarion. It’s a tool to him, a useful one that will prevent anyone from ever hurting him again. It’s not a morality issue to him, so don’t treat it like one. You have a worm in your head and it’s awesome. Use it to make some people suffer.
Of course, this should come across as obvious, but don’t be mean about the whole vampire thing. Let him do what he wants and definitely don’t sell him out to the hunters looking for him. If you act even a little put off by him being a vampire, it’ll be a huge blow to his ego and your approval rating.
Speaking of his ego, you should never insult Astarion under any circumstances. Tell him he’s pretty whenever you have the chance, and give in to his delusions of grandeur whenever possible. If he comes onto you, don’t reject him. These are the biggest mistakes you can make when trying to get Astarion to like you.
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To recap, avoid these things or Astarion won’t like you:
- Don’t be a goody two shoes.
- Don’t ignore the tadpole and your Illithid powers.
- Don’t harass him for being a vampire.
- Don’t insult him or reject him
How to Romance Astarion
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Romancing Astarion will take the entire game to pull off effectively, as the progression of his romance storyline are spread throughout all 3 Acts. Astarion’s romance arc follows this general structure:
- Sleep with him in Act 1
- Hunt down the Orthon for Raphael and speak to the Drow, Araj, in Moonrise, telling her that Astarion can make his own choices in Act 2 and enter a relationship.
- Complete Astarion’s companion questline in Act 3 and choose whether to let him ascend, or have him live as a Spawn and set the other vampires free.
Act 1 Romance Choices
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In Act 1, your main priority should be building up your approval with Astarion through dialogue choices and quests. You don’t need a ton of them to initiate the romance, but he won’t sleep with you at all if he doesn’t like you at least a little bit.
Just play the game normally until you resolve the conflict at the Emerald Grove. Regardless of your choice between Halsin or Minthara, there’ll be a celebration at camp the following night. Speak to Astarion at the party and choose the dialogue options that imply you want to sleep with him. He’ll mention “a little fun” and you need to act interested in that.
Once you’ve landed a secret rendevous with Astarion, return to your bedroll to end the day and enjoy the romance cutscene. During the romance scene, your choices matter. These are the correct dialogue options:
- You don’t have me yet.
- And what do you want?
- Nod.
This will lead to you sleeping with Astarion, sowing the seeds for a real relationship in Act 2.
Act 2 Romance Choices
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In Act 2, continue the main questline until you reach the Temple of Shar. Raphael will ambush you and ask you to defeat an Orthon named Yurgir in exchange for information about Astarion’s strange scars. Astarion doesn’t have to be in your party for this exchange, but it’s best if he is.
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The next time you return to camp after accepting Raphael’s quest, Astarion will come to you in the middle of the night. Choose the following dialogue options:
- Are you alright?
- So do I. More than anything.
- I care about you. Deeply.
- You are worth a great deal to me, no matter what you’re going through.
If you try to be flirtatious or don’t take him seriously during this encounter, he’ll break up with you because he thinks you only see him as a sexual object. You have to be caring and tender here for the relationship to continue in Act 3.
Act 3 Romance Choices
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Once you’re in a relationship with Astarion, there’s very little you can do to ruin it in Act 3. The only thing left to do is pay Cazador a visit and finish his companion questline. There are two endings to Astarion’s romance storyline depending on if you let him complete the ritual and ascend or if you prevent the ritual from happening.
Complete the Ritual and Astarion Ascends
![Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion Approval and Romance Guide | Likes, Dislikes, and Dialogue Choices [Patch 6] Baldurs-Gate-3-Astarion-Bloody](
If you let Astarion ascend, then the next romance scene involves you becoming a vampire thrall. You must let him convert you or the relationship will end. Choose the following dialogue options to successfully complete this romance scene:
- I want to be a vampire, like you.
- Yes, that’s all I want.
- Please, yes.
After this, you’ll become Astarion’s vampire thrall and gain the Vampire Bite action during combat just like he has.
Stop the Ritual
![Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion Approval and Romance Guide | Likes, Dislikes, and Dialogue Choices [Patch 6] Baldurs-Gate-3-Cazador-Ritual](
If you stop the ritual, Astarion will approach you at camp after the next long rest. The dialogue options don’t matter here as long as you agree to follow him, kicking off the next romance scene. This is a tender scene at Astarion’s grave, and your dialogue choices can’t ruin anything here. You can either accept his advances and sleep with him or choose “Let’s just. stay here. Together.” to end the night without sex.